Sunday, May 3, 2009

potluck cookout birthday

What a sweet group of people I have met here. Margo & Roger invited us all over for a potluck cookout at their house on Saturday. There were sweet and sour meatballs, salmon dip & crackers, burgers & bratwursts, fruit salad, beer, and of course, butt. To top it off, Margo made two "bombs," a homemade type of ice cream cake, only 10x better than any you've ever had. I put on a poor performance of blowing out candles on one of them and we gobbled it up.

ps. I feel lucky to be here with some really cool, adventurous, and down to earth people.

pps. I'm really just sucking up because they got me some awesome presents, but they're alright I guess.

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