Monday, May 11, 2009

hot butt

Jone hooked us up with some fresh butt- caught this morning! It was delicious. I just put some butter and garlic on a warm skillet and slapped the fish on there and voila!

Hopefully I'll be catching my own fish soon. The Dolly Vardens are here! I put in a picture below of one in spawning colors. The name "Dolly Varden" comes from a character in the Charles Dickens novel, Barnaby Rudge. Dolly V. was a young girl with a rosy complexion and around 1860, a popular fabric with red polka dots was marketed under the name Dolly Varden. It was actually then a young girl who is credited with connecting the name with the fish, and it stuck.


  1. wow i haven't seen it in spawning colors before. that is pretty awesome. good luck with catching one yourself!!

  2. Man. Those things are UG-LY. What's with the, like, beak?
