Monday, May 18, 2009

feel the burn

We went on a great hike up Pyramid Mountain yesterday. There was nothing but sunshine and blue skies so we ate lunch at the top (a little over 2,000ft). Shelly spotted some mountain goats along the top ridge and we saw a couple Rock Ptarmigans on our way down. Ryan impressed/entertained us with his sledding attempts-one good way of using plastic bags. Yes! There is still snow, and quite a bit of it on the mountains-people were skiing on Pyramid all day.

The last two nights a few of us have driven to Abercrombie Park to watch the sun go down off Miller Point. It has been setting at about 10:30 and getting later every day! I am loving the long days.

1 comment:

  1. sweet pics. Can't wait to see the real thing.
