Tuesday, April 21, 2009

work work work

So, yesterday for work we had a 2 hour boat tour of the water just outside of Kodiak which turned into a 6 hour cruise around Spruce Island and all the way to Whale Pass and Afognak Island.  We didn't see any whales, but lots of sea otters showed up!  They would be on their backs floating along, maybe kicking a bit, being all cute and eating on their bellies and rolling over to wash the crumbs away, then back to eating.  We were also lucky the sun was out AND I didn't puke :)


  1. This color scheme looks a ton better.

    Ideas for blog name:
    1. Kaabrk! (what "kodaik" looks like in russian)
    2. Live from Alaska's Turd
    3. Lost in Space
    4. The Place Between Spaces
    5. I'm Surrounded by Bears!
    6. Alutiqed Off, Alutiqkled Pink
    7. Adventures of a Mass Expat.

  2. ooo sea otters! so cute. i can only imagine :-(
