Saturday, April 25, 2009

Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

The refuge includes 2 million acres of the Kodiak Archipelago.  You can't actually get to it from town unless you're in a plane or boat.

So, I work for US Fish and Wildlife at the Refuge Visitor Center right in the middle of "downtown" next to one of the harbors.  My job includes running an educational program for local kids 1x week, starting a nature club and hiking 1x week with them, and staffing the center when cruise ships (27 scheduled) come to town and giving interpretive talks.  An extra bonus: I have awesome co-workers :)


  1. I loved hearing how things are going and will drop a longer line soon. Monica B.

  2. What a great blog -love the graphics, photos, and info!

    oh yah- especially the part about your co-workers ;)

  3. Most excellent blog, Hana! We're glad you are on the team. :-)

  4. do you have any info on how the area has changed in the past 50 years? from climate change? it would be interesting to see if there are photos that compare.
